
Member Organisations

Established in 2006, the coalition began with an initial membership of 4 organisations and expanded to 6 by the end of 2008. galck+ later expanded in membership to 14 and 16 in 2012 and 2014 respectively, representing LGBTQ+ voices from across Kenya. In 2013, galck+ rolled out a devolution process through which to decentralise its operations and programming beyond Nairobi. This was in response to an overwhelming need to identify and address grassroots needs and concerns across the regions, raised in 2012.

This process devolved the galck+ membership into 3 regional clusters, named after the peaks of Mount Kenya, Batian, Lenana and Nelion, which essentially categorised member organisations by the regions in which they are based and operate. The cluster mechanism is intended to strengthen cohesion and collaboration within the cluster membership through a peer-to-peer approach. Member organisations in each cluster are able to benefit from the experience and best practices of their peers. Each cluster is also at liberty to articulate a modus operandi that it deemed most appropriate/suitable to carry out the movement building work.


The Batian cluster is made up of four community based organisations majorly based in the rift region of Kenya and they are namely; KYdesa in Nakuru county, Q- Initiative in Uasin Gishu county, Gumzo Youth Group in Bungoma county and last but not least URM – Upper Rift Minorities in Lodwar county. These community based organisations go above and beyond to make sure LGBTQ+ people in their regions and even beyond receive sexual health services as well as sensitize the local leaders regarding LGBTQ+ people.

Kenya Youth Development and Education Support Association [KYdesa] is a non-profit community-based organization founded in April 2009 and registered in 2012 as a Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual community-based organization.
Q- Initiative
Q-Initiative Eldoret was founded in 2010 by Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual students from Moi University who wanted to create a safe space for queer youth to convene and discuss their issues.
Gumzo Youth Group
GUMZO Youth Group is registered formed in 2017 with the department of social works. We based in Kimilili, Bungoma County, operating between Bungoma and Trans- Nzoia counties, composed entirely of members of the SOGIE community which is a minority.


Lenana cluster is made up of community based organisations in the Nairobi region as well as its bordering counties. The organizations found in this region do an array of different thematic areas which incluse GBMSM sexual health awareness, LBQ sexual health awareness, community sensitization, SRHR (Sexual Health Reproductive Health Rights) and security reponse when it comes to LGBTQ+ members of society. They are namely AFRA, Queerhive, Gay Kenya Trust, HOYMAS, Ishtar MSM, M-PEG, LEHA and MWA.

Gay Kenya Trust (GKT)
Gay Kenya Trust was formed in 2006, and is a human rights and media advocacy organization for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Queer persons committed to the defense of their civil liberties
Founded in 2009 by a group of male sex workers living positively, Health Options for Young Men on HIV/AIDS/STI (HOYMAS) is a Community based organization registered by the Ministry of Social Services and Gender.
Ishtar MSM
MSM community members in the early days staged a play “Cleopatra” at the Kenya National Theatre. This play created an open and safe platform to discuss and reflect on what it means to be a homosexual began to take place.


The Nelion cluster is composed of organisations in the coastal region who in their own right are changing the mindsets of the society in the region day in day out with the courageous work that they are doing. The organisations found here are Amkeni Malindi in Malindi county, Hapa Kenya in Mombasa county, Tamba Pwani ni Kilifi county, Pema Kenya in Mombasa county, Rainbow Women of Kenya (RWOK) in Mombasa county, Ukweli Mombasa in Kwale county, Mwamko Mpya in Lamu county.

Amkeni Malindi
Amkeni Malindi is an LGBTIQ organisation Founded in 2009 as an MSM youth supporting group. The organisation was later registered as an LGBTIQ community-based organisation in February 2012.
HAPA Kenya
The HIV & AIDS People’s Alliance of Kenya was established in September 2011 after it emerged that a significant number of MSM/MSW living with HIV in the region were not adhering to treatment.
PEMA Kenya
Persons Marginalised and Aggrieved (PEMA) Kenya was founded within a context of tragedy and the desire to restore human dignity in a primordial state of vulnerability.
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