Violence is defined by the World Health Organization as “the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, mal-development, or deprivation,” although the group acknowledges that the inclusion of “the use of power” in its definition expands on the conventional meaning of the word. Violence has, with time, been ingrained in the core of our national values. Violence has the power to inflict fear, death, and exclusion, and this has been evident in the society we live and thrive in.
In socio-economically challenged areas, such as slums, violence has been a tool that members of society use to have their voices heard. Recalling a time when the people of Kibera burned and destroyed properties put up by the government to air the imbalance they experienced in job allocations.
Violence and development or economics: Areas perceived to be of lower economic value are greatly violent in nature. From the high rates of crime, high cases of unemployment, and low-paying jobs that reign sovereign in these areas. Areas like the northern parts of Kenya have seen the flip side of development. These areas are hit by cases of cancer and now cholera, which society has turned a blind eye to as the proximity to the area is distinct. In the northern parts, the porous nature of the border has caused terror attacks and the loss of vital lives that impact the people who fall victim to the plight.
Violence and democracy: Kenya passed the new constitution that, among many provisions, provides for the right of persons to demonstrate against issues that are wrongly implemented. With the political atmosphere, those in power have used state officers to threaten the rights of citizens to have peaceful demonstrations. This is a great indicator that the democracy of society is under threat. People who take up initiatives to participate in demonstrations are painted to be deviant, lawbreakers, and thus #PoliceBrutality is highly anticipated and rarely condemned by leaders who are on the wing of the power plays.
Violence and inclusion: Minorities (sexual minorities, persons with disabilities, refugees) in society have been excluded from policy reforms and parity talks, creating a difficult time ensuring that their plights are highlighted in main talks. Refugees/asylum seekers in the country have been labeled “terrorists,” pushing for the closure of their camps. Amidst these, little effort is made to ensure their resettlements to their countries or other asylums. Sexual minorities all over the world have had limited human rights accorded to them; their rights to health, education, employment, and housing are met with violent utterances by leaders, giving leeway for society, state officials, and medical practitioners to violate their dignity, privacy, right to form families, and to acquire progressive standards of living. In Kenya today, there are cases of forced anal examination for those accused of same-sex acts. The violation in such acts cuts across the dignity and privacy of a human being. In other instances, homosexual-presenting persons are discriminated against, beaten, and kicked out of their houses because of the different orientation that they uphold. It’s critical for society to look into the actions that our beliefs propel. Dehumanizing individuals to points of suicide, drug and substance abuse, and ostracizing persons from families is not a #NonIssue.
Violence in family: Domestic violence has become rampant in our daily interactions, yet the intervention side remains a stale game. The evident lack of association that occurs when there is a violent scene happening in one’s surroundings, the excuse given by society and the state is that they don’t want to interfere with ‘family matters.’ The public stripping of women due to dressing is questionable. This makes me wonder about the state of tolerance that society has clothed itself in. Do we not question the psychological, mental, and physical state of the society, victims, and children in the violent area?
Violence and ethnocentrism: This is a concept that has evolved into ethnic disputes and clashes manifested in the recent post-election violence that occurred in 2007, a vice yet to heal in our conscious and subconscious states. Ethnic or tribal differences have caused violence to be easily perpetrated in different ethnic communities. Is culture being upheld to the unifying angle of inclusivity?
Violence and religion: The diversity in religious beliefs proclaimed, converge on the similarity of compassion, love, and tolerance to all mankind. The prophecies of great ideologies have failed in their manifestation with the collision of popularity and mass influence with politics. The idea of unity in differences has been exploited to accommodate violent expressions among different domains. The effects are seen in the extremist nature of persuasion and coercion to pull congregations and alienate those that do not conform. The neutral position of religion has failed in society as the religious fronts succumb and propagate hate, intolerance, and thus violence to those that do not conform to their beliefs.
Violence seems to be an accepted norm in our society. A vice that needs a remedy as humanity is running down the drain. A conversation that seeks more clarity in the minds of all. A path that each of us partakes in and propagates in the effort to progress in life. The sad reality of the intersectionality of violence in our interactions is that we, as humans, have turned a blind eye to it. #LetsTalkViolence #TheIssueIsViolence. ©Arudi Laura Cori.