
A person holds a rainbow wristband symbolizing LGBTQ+ pride and identity.


By Gerald Hayo Gerald Hayo, Human Rights Defender Today, the Anti-LGBTQ Movement in Mombasa is holding a protest against the Supreme Court’s decision reaffirming the LGBTQ community’s right to associate. Populist politicians and religious leaders will use the occasion to foment hate and encourage acts of violence against sexual and gender minorities. The Kenyan press […]


Kenya’s Katiba Day: Reflecting on the Impact of Outdated Laws in Kenya

In the complex landscape of Kenya’s human rights struggles, the historical implications of colonization echo through the present, particularly regarding the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and gender-diverse (LGBTQ+) individuals. Inherited from its colonial past, our legal system bears the burden of archaic laws criminalizing same-sex sexual activity. Despite the Constitution of Kenya (2010)

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africa, continent, map of africa

Global Corporations Should Support LGBTIQ+ Inclusion in Africa

Human rights are universal and not restricted by geography. Although Africa, a huge and diverse continent, recognizes this in its Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, the LGBTIQ+ community still confronts considerable obstacles as a result of social stigma, discrimination, and legislative prohibitions. In Africa, 32 countries criminalize same-sex conduct; this is about 60% of

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Close-up of two people holding hands, emphasizing connection and inclusivity.

Bi and Proud

September is Bisexual Visibility Month, a month set aside internationally to celebrate and raise awareness for the Bisexual community in the LGBTQ+ movement. I have had the pleasure of talking to a number of individuals who identify as Bisexual, and this has shed light on many issues that they face as a community. As you

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